DIGA3035 M5CP2 - Animation

I was able to simplify my idea for the video from the previous sketches, and I think that I will be able to create it based off of the storyboard below. I have also included a copy of the poem itself and marked off which lines will be combined for each part of the animation. Please excuse the order of shots and how poorly my scanner works. Shot 1 (top right): Will be emphasizing the books under the table leg. Lines: 1, 2, 3. Shot 2 (top left): The table showing one or two books along with an ashtray, a coffee cup, and a glass cup. Lines: 4, 5, 6. Shot 3: close up of my side of the table with my steaming coffee, smoking cigarette in ashtray, and book where the pages will flip after every other line read. I will include a second book and drink reversed at the top of the screen, a partial of them, this book's pages will flip on alternating lines from the first. Lines: 7 to 11. Shot 4: A new table, just one book (now a paperback), a different ashtray and coffee cup. Cigarette will...