DIGA3035 M5CP1 - Animation

I chose to do an animation for my final project since the other option was a website which I have already created in the previous course. For this project I have chosen to animate my poem that was published in the Black River Review in 2019. I have done some sketches (a small art board) for one of my two ideas and am still trying to think of how the alternative would look. Below are the sketches for the first option and I have also included the design brief that I came up with.


Title: “You’re Still My Favorite Book” poem animation

Delivery Mechanism: shared online via Vimeo

Format: animation created with Adobe Animate


·      November 23, 2020 to November 29, 2020: creation of storyboard

·      November 29, 2020: post of storyboard to blog & forum for feedback

·      November 30, 2020 to December 13, 2020: creation of animation

·      December 13, 2020: post of samples & screenshots to blog & forum for feedback

·      December 14, 2020 to December 18, 2020: clean up and finalization of animation

·      December 18, 2020: post of final product to blog & forum for grading

Target Audience Description: this will mainly be for myself and my friend for whom the poem was originally written, but this will also be for anyone who enjoys poetry visually.

Objectives: the final result is to be an animation that is a visual representation of the poem as the lines are shown on screen and possibly read.

Inspiration & Overall Style/Look: currently two design ideas are the top choices.

·      Option 1: a direct animation to visually represent the lines.

o   Concern: too literal and does not show the meaning behind the words and of the poem.

·      Option 2: a more artistic approach, maybe a simple animation that is more background and supportive of the text (and possible narration) that is on screen. Something that is a bit more static, like nature changing, growing, seasonal, or a book and other individual elements to represent the lines on a smaller scale than the first option. 

Source Material

You’re Still My Favorite Book

Even with the books under one leg, 

the old Formica table shakes as we set down a drink or put out a cigarette.

We’re quiet as we read with a backdrop of traffic from the front of the house.

For hours we smoke and read,

occasionally getting up to fill or empty ourselves,

comfortable in our mutual silence.

We did this for about a year so long ago,

and it’s still a safe place for me,

being inside but out,

together but in separate worlds,

joined by cigarette smoke and ink on paper.

Nearly fifteen years since this place in time,

we're still together but not,

even less words spoken now.

From best friend to sister,

from wife to mother,

you’re still the book beneath me that keeps me stable,

the story that is my escape,

the nicotine that calms my mind.



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