DIGA3035 M6CP2 - Animation

 You're Still My Favorite Book, poem animation

So, I have to say I am so not a fan of Adobe Animate. I struggled and fought with this program nearly every step of the way. I would do one thing and repeat it exactly the same but it wouldn't work the second time. I'm glad that I went with something so simple because I think I would have lost my mind trying to making anything more difficult. I can't tell you how many things I Googled and how many addition videos I watched in addition to the tutorial. Exporting was a real pain too. Before I had considered iMovie the most wretched program, but now that coveted spot belongs to Animate.

As I said, I went with simple animation: the moving of the text and silhouettes along with the smoke/steam effect. I went with the silhouettes from Dzmitry that I found on Adobe Stock because the silhouettes I created looks horrifying. I also used royalty free music by Bensound. I did consider narrating the poem, but I chickened out in the end. I had a disastrous time narrating a video for my Digital Storytelling class a few weeks ago and I haven't shaken off the effects of that experience yet. The smoke/steam was extremely difficult to get to work and I fought with it each time I used it. I honestly don't even know if it's noticeable in most of the scenes.

I did stick to the storyboard I created and am proud that I didn't make any major changes during the creation process like I normally do. I worry that I have the timing off for some of the lines. I went with an average of three seconds per line, but some are longer and shorter so I worry that I should have adjusted for this. I Googled text timing and only got results for reading text, like for presentation. 

I struggled a lot with putting this together in Animate and it probably shows. Please just know I tried my hardest.

Oh, and Happy Winter Break!!!!!


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