M3 CP - CD Design (Part 2): My Madness Mix FINAL PRODUCT

For my final product I first used Photoshop to create the cover image from the following three photos:

I used the dock from the first picture and lowered it's brightness so it matched the darkness of the second image, which is the main one. I then added the mountains from the third image. The water didn't match in the second and third photos so I copied the mountains and flipped them vertically and lowered the opacity so that it appeared to be a reflection. I also did the same with the night sky from the original. I used masks to blend the three photos together. 

After the image was complete, I imported it to Illustrator and added the text and doodles. The text's colors are from the original image by using the eye dropper tool. The rocket ship was used on every page, a simple place in InDesign. The flower-like design I had to go back to Illustrator to draw two new versions to be placed in InDesign. 

The size of the final image was too large for the CD booklet dimensions so I chose to have the dock in the middle and zoomed in for the back. I doubled the text on the track numbers and artist names to make them pop a bit more against the image. The barcode and record company logo are from an internet search. I chose Universal Music Group since the Milky Way was a big part of my design. 

For the interior pages I used a separate image of the Milky Way across the double pages. I put two songs, their credits, and lyrics on pages 2, 3, 6, and 7 leaving pages 4 and 5 for liner notes and a bit of a lyric collage, explaining how and why I chose the songs and the lyrics that stand out from the songs.

I went through several design ideas as I was working for the inner pages and back cover. I worry that this may a bit busy but it is titled "My Madness Mix" so it's probably fitting. I downloaded a couple of Adobe's fonts for a lot of the text in the booklet except for the actual lyrics because two songs are in Romanian and these fonts did not have the accents available but the default did.

I worked on this for ten hours straight the other night (I just didn't want to stop, I was on a roll) so I may have forgotten specific things that I did. I was unable to find some information for the credits which I marked as "(Unknown)".


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