DIGA3035 M1 Artist's Statement

 For my artist statement I will discuss my writing as the form of artwork since I do not have enough personal visual artwork completed to base this off of nor do I have any current visual works in progress.


Writing has been a love and passion of mine for over twenty years. There’s a sense of accomplishment, joy, and peace once a piece is finished. I can’t wait to share it with the world. There’s something almost indescribable being able to put feelings and imaginings into words so that someone else can share in the experience. I prefer to write Urban Fantasy pieces, either short stories or novels. I also enjoy writing poetry, but these pieces are usually just for myself. I have read many UF books and find that the main character is always a teenager or very young adult so I create works for women over the age of twenty-five.


I feel that my work simply exists through its own will in my mind, and I am the conduit through which it makes its way into this world. I can find inspiration in almost anything and, after cooking for some time in my mind, it’s eventually ready to be written. Some things are almost perfect when they’re put down onto paper while others need assistance to become what they truly are. Pen or pencil and paper are best for poetry while longer pieces require the assistance of typing.


My current work in progress is a “what if” piece, to be a novel with around 50,000 words by the end. What if what we watched and read was the actual reality and what we’re living in is just a dream? In this work, the main character “wakes up” in an urban fantasy-type world after dreaming a complete life in our world, with no memory of her what happened before the dreaming in the UF world while slowly forgetting her imagined one. What happens when someone from a magic-free realm suddenly finds themselves in one full of it with a personality created in the former world, how does one mentally deal and adjust to this? And can she find her way back to herself before she becomes a blank slate?


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