M6: Home Page and Navigation System, Final Project (Part 1)

Initially, for this project, I was going to re-design my current website because I didn't want to create a whole second site. However, after fighting with GoDaddy's very limited editor (it wasn't like this a few years ago when I used it for a previous job) and their extremely poor customer service I decided to move it back to Wix (I recently went from Wix to GoDaddy because I thought their editor was still decent and I bought my domain from them for $1). It was a poor decision and I do not recommend it.

So, instead, I have created a secondary Wix page and have been working on the design so that I can soon transfer my domain to them. Below are the sketches that I have worked on for the design and logo (mainly the logo, I fell down that rabbit hole). I tried to draw what I had chosen for my logo in Photoshop on my iPad because I wasn't getting anywhere near to what I wanted with my mouse and my drawing tablet from like six years ago is almost dead, the lag is like dial-up. I ended up working in another app and then bringing my drawn logo into Photoshop from there to work on removing the background and also inverting the colors (black and white) in case the background color where I was placing the logo looked better with white instead of black.

First I began working on possible logos and also write down what I was thinking for aesthetics and color schemes...

Then I worked on possible headers and menus...

Then I moved to a different sketch book and began narrowing down what I liked from the first logo idea page...

Then came the rabbit hole of a logo page 1...

Logo Rabbit Hole page 2...

Logo Rabbit Hole page 3...

Now electronically drawn and the background removed in Photoshop...

And finally the inverted version (the background is removed but won't show it here for some reason).

That being said, my new site is still under construction and I think that my logo looks better on the Wix design WIP versus what I had to work with on my GoDaddy site.

Here is the link to my GoDaddy site, which I started trying to re-vamp but gave up after several hours of frustration.

Here is the link to my Wix site, which is still under construction but should be finished this week.

As stated earlier, I will be combing my writing/blog website with this project, mainly adding my portfolio from this course and, hopefully, those in the future. So I will have a home page (almost complete), the blog (which I will need to transfer all of my work from), my portfolio page (which I am still working on because I really don't like the layout because I want to copy and paste what was written on this blogger site (which I was able to do with the GoDaddy site - go figure...), and the contact page which will just have the form to fill out. I do also have the link to my Facebook Business page in the form of the icon at the bottom of all of the pages.

I would GREATLY appreciate recommendations for the photo album Projects/Artwork page since I can't seem to get the "template" right.

Update 4.13.20: So I have done a lot more work on the site. I think I have the best option for my Artwork/Portfolio page. I guess all that is left to do is get some testimonials for the Home Page and some feedback on it's current state. I also worked on the mobile site because that came out all wonky.


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